
Showing posts from October, 2017

Tough Times

Over the weekend my dog, Ruger got really sick. He is two years old. His whole life he has always been a little off. He sleeps all the time and never has energy like a puppy should. He always gets sick. As frequent as every other week. We keep him on a strict diet, but it hasn't seemed to help. Friday morning I took him back to the vet, which is a very familiar place for him. In the past the vet was never able to find anything wrong with him, but this time was different. We discovered he has kidney failure. The thing that sucks the most is that there is nothing you can do if a dog has kidney failure. He is just going to have to deal with it. It breaks my heart.

Scaredy Cat (Dog)

I have a brown and white two year old pit bull. He is the sweetest and cuddly dog ever, but he is afraid of everything. Last night our fire alarm went off in our apartment. Let me tell you, my "big, bad dog" hid like a little baby shivering under the covers on my bed. He got as close to me as he could without physically sitting on me. Although the fire alarm freaked me out, he made me laugh so hard. He is such a baby, but it was the cutest thing.

Baby Daredevil

At work yesterday during the twins nap time I was shocked to see a surprise. One of the twins (16 months old) is a complete daredevil. She will climb anything in sight and if she falls she will not even cry. So anyways, during there nap time I always put Tatelyn (the daredevil) upstairs in the play room because she will scream and cry until she falls asleep, and I do not want her to wake her sister. about an hour into her nap I was walking by the door to the upstairs and heard something right on the other side of the door. Tatelyn is at the bottom of the stairs!! This means that she somehow got out of her crib, opened the baby gate at the top of the stairs, and walked down stairs on her own with a single scream or cry. She is definitely a daredevil.

Taking the test to Determine my Future (ESL Certification Exam)

Saturday morning I got up bright and early to take my ESL certification exam. I had been so nervous for the past couple of weeks and majorly stressing myself out about it. The morning of though, I felt so calm. In my mind I either knew the material or I did not. There was no turning back at that point. Today I got an email saying that my scores were in. I was more nervous to open my scores then I was taking the test. All the late nights studying ended up worth it. I PASSED!!

My fear became a reality

I have a heavy metal cross hanging right above my bed and of course my bed is up against the wall. Every night I sleep right next to the wall. I move around a bunch in my sleep and usually kick or elbow the wall. I have been afraid of that metal cross falling on me in my sleep. Sunday night it happened. I guess in my sleep I kicked the wall hard enough to make the cross come down right on top of my knee. It hurt so bad I cried and thought my knee was broken. Looking back now I guess I was being a little dramatic because all it left was a small scratch. In the end I, of course, just put the cross right back in the same place on the wall. I know I know I am just asking for it to happen again, but where else am I supposed to put it?