A wondering mind at the worst times

It's funny how you can be thinking about one thing and moments later you have already changed your thoughts and ideas about 100 times. Now you are thinking about a completely different thing, and you don't even know how you got there. Yeah, that happens to me all the time. Especially as I am trying to go to sleep. Its like my mind thinks that bed time is the prime time to journey down this never ending tunnel of random thoughts. The other night I was thinking about Christmas presents. Why? I have no idea, but it gets better. I then started to think about how those Christmas presents would look amazing in my imaginary dream home that I won't be able to buy for at least another 5 years, if that. So tell me why the Christmas presents I hope to get this year are going to be placed in my dream home in 5 years. I've always wondered why do our brains do this? We think about the most random thing that will probably never happen and at that moment we see them as a reality causing real excitement. This then causes me to not go to sleep for another 2 hours because I am too excited decorating this imaginary house top to bottom.


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