
Showing posts from November, 2017

"I am from" poem

I am from the lingering smell of burnt food at my moms, The overload of take out at my dads, And split time between the both of them. I am from late night hangouts in the dusty attic of our garage, The spine-chilling sleepovers on the trampoline to see who could make it till morning, And being woken up in the afternoons to music echoing off the walls. I am from each of the houses we left behind, Abandoning pieces of my heart along the way. I am from sneaking out, Paying for it later, And doing it all over again. I am from family movie nights, Licking salt covered butter at the bottom of the popcorn bag, And not noticing the disgusted faces starting back at me. I am from all of these childhood memories along with many more, Locked inside my brain to never be forgotten.

The sound of gambling

Over the weekend I went to Louisiana to gamble this past weekend with my boyfriend and his family. They were standing in line for something and I decided to take seat at a slot machine. As I sat there waiting I zoned out. All I could hear was the winning sounds of people playing slots. It sounded like a sweet song. Out of all the loud, crazy noises I was distracted by the sweet, soft melody of the music the slot machines were singing. I just thought how ironic it was that they would make the machines sing such an intriguing sound. 

Picture This

A young wild child sitting on the edge of forever Feet dangling into the empty air Squeezing tightly in discomfort to the two things she held dear to her adolescent heart A squirming kitten trying to break free from the heavy warmth of her arms And a bushy tailed stuffed rabbit that she would never let out of sight.